Feeding the Bit Bucket
Cloud Native Tech and Other Ramblings
This is the personal website and blog of Adrian Mouat, a software engineer, consultant, speaker and author.
About Me 🔗
I’m interested in a wide range of technologies, including:
- Containers (I wrote the book Using Docker for O’Reilly)
- Container Registries (I started the Trow registry)
- Kubernetes
- Web Assembly
- Rust
- DevOps
I’ve given mutliple talks on these subjects, some of which you can find on this site.
WTF is a Bit Bucket? 🔗
This definition comes from the original Hacker’s Dictionary (before ESR got his grubby mitts on it):
BIT BUCKET n. 1. A receptacle used to hold the runoff from the computer’s shift registers. 2. Mythical destination of deleted files, GC’ed memory, and other no-longer-accessible data. 3. The physical device associated with “NUL:”.
What Happened to the Old Site? 🔗
There wasn’t much that I felt was worth keeping. You can still find it on archive.org.
Contact 🔗
If you want to get in touch, you can reach me on:
- email adrian (at) adrianmouat.com
- amouat on GitHub
- adrianmouat on LinkedIn
- adrianmouat on Twitter
- @[email protected] on Mastodon